In 2022, the issue of mould in rented properties gained significant attention following the tragic death of a 2-year-old boy in Rochdale. This incident served as a wake-up call for both tenants and landlords, highlighting the serious consequences that arise when mould is neglected.

In this article, we will provide comprehensive information about mould in rented properties, including its hazards, underlying causes, and short-term steps and long-term treatment options.

A pivotal moment for rented properties

The 2022 case of Awaab Ishak’s death undeniably marked a significant turning point for the housing sector. 

Coroner Joanne Kearsley stated, “There is little doubt that the tragic death of Awaab Ishak will and should be a defining moment for the housing sector,” after confirming that the 2-year-old passed away due to a severe respiratory condition caused by prolonged exposure to mould in his home.

Awaab was rushed to the hospital on December 19, 2020, experiencing breathing difficulties. Although he was discharged, he returned the next day and suffered a cardiac arrest due to respiratory failure.

During the post-mortem examination, Dr. Phillip Lumb discovered severe swelling and congestion in the boy’s airways, including his throat and windpipe. This was attributed to an allergic reaction to fungus, which was found in his lungs and blood.

Above all, this landmark case highlights the severity of mould in rented properties. It is not merely an aesthetic issue but a potentially fatal problem when ignored.

Understanding the underlying cause of mould

The specific type of fungus mentioned earlier is black spot mould, which thrives in damp conditions where moisture accumulates on walls, ceilings, or other surfaces lacking ventilation. Consequently, it is often found behind furniture and in the corners of rooms where air circulation is minimal.

Delving deeper, the development of dampness and mould is influenced by two primary factors: humidity and cold.


Firstly, humidity refers to the moisture level in the air, which increases due to various everyday activities such as cooking, boiling a kettle, washing dishes, drying clothes, running a bath, showering, speaking, and breathing. These activities release water vapour, elevating the humidity level inside a home. While ventilation, extractor fans, or dehumidifiers can help reduce humidity, it often becomes trapped within the property.


Once humidity reaches high levels, the presence of a cold surface becomes a catalyst for moisture accumulation. Cold walls, windows, and other surfaces attract water vapour, causing it to condense from a gas to a liquid state.

Condensation can be observed on windows, giving them a misty appearance, while water typically runs down the windows, resulting in dampness at the bottom or on the windowsill. Walls can also exhibit visible dampness with dark patches or even beads of condensation.

Over time, these cold and damp surfaces create an environment conducive to mould growth, as demonstrated by the serious health issues experienced by Awaab. According to the NHS, mould exposure increases the risk of respiratory infections, allergies, asthma, and can also affect the immune system. Older people, children, babies, and individuals with existing skin, respiratory, and immune problems are particularly vulnerable.

Preventing mould in rented properties

Before delving into permanent treatment options for dampness and mould in rented properties, it is important to note that several simple steps can be taken to minimise the likelihood of their development.

Improving ventilation to maintain low humidity is crucial. While activities like showering and washing up cannot be avoided, the use of extractor fans and opening nearby windows whenever possible allows moisture to escape as it is generated.

Keeping the home adequately warm helps prevent surfaces from becoming excessively cold and attracting moisture from the air. Additionally, avoiding the placement of furniture close to walls promotes better airflow, making it more difficult for mould to thrive.

However, we acknowledge the challenges associated with implementing these measures:

The increasing cost of energy makes it expensive to maintain a consistently warm home.

Ventilation efforts can sometimes exacerbate the problem by allowing heat to escape while reducing humidity. Keeping furniture away from walls can significantly impact the available space in rented properties.

Treating mould in rented properties

Given the current economic climate, it is unrealistic to expect tenants to constantly heat their homes and maintain ideal ventilation. Even with these efforts, it is not always possible to prevent dampness from occurring. Certain properties, such as flats and apartments, are naturally more susceptible to dampness due to their smaller living spaces and fewer ventilation points.

This was the case with the aforementioned property, which the coroner stated “was not equipped for normal day-to-day living activities, which led to excess damp and condensation.” While tenants bear some responsibility, landlords and housing associations should improve properties that are ill-equipped to handle daily activities.

Essential features such as extractor fans, adequate heating in all rooms, and functional windows are imperative. However, additional measures are often necessary to prevent dampness and mould. This is where a damp-proof treatment, such as SprayCork, can be beneficial.

SprayCork provides a moisture-resistant coating for walls and ceilings. When applied as an internal wall coating, it consists of two 3mm layers with a 2mm overskim of plaster. Despite its thinness, it prevents moisture from accumulating on the walls while improving thermal insulation, making it easier to maintain warmth in rented properties.

Do not ignore dampness and mould

The tragic death of Awaab Ishak serves as a powerful reminder that mould cannot be disregarded by tenants or landlords. If you want to minimize the risk of mould in rented properties, CorkRend can assist you.

To find out more information about our spray cork solution, contact us today.


Oliver Chapman

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